Get the Abundance Mindset Hypnosis

Why Affirmations Don't Work

Sep 10, 2024

“Your mind is a garden, your thoughts are the seeds. You can either grow flowers or you can grow weeds.”

This simple yet profound truth has resonated with me for years, capturing the essence of what it takes to cultivate a successful, fulfilling life. Like many, I’ve been fascinated by the power of positive thinking. Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, who popularized positive thinking in the last century, became an early inspiration for me. I was fortunate enough to attend an event where he spoke many years ago, and it was a pivotal moment in my journey.

Later, I learned from Brian Tracy, a mentor and a strong proponent of positive thinking. He introduced me to the concept of affirmations, and for years, I would faithfully repeat powerful statements to myself.

Recently, I discovered an old journal from over a decade ago filled with affirmations that I wrote down and recited daily. Statements like, “I am rich,” “I am powerful,” and “I am successful” were my daily mantra. I was diligent, committed, and hopeful.

But despite my best efforts, nothing changed.

I would proclaim, “I am rich,” yet my bank account didn’t reflect the wealth I was declaring.

I would say, “I am powerful,” but I rarely spoke up or shared my opinions, often staying silent when my voice was needed the most.

I would affirm, “I am successful,” but with only a couple of clients, my reality told a different story.

I was saying all the right things, but deep down, I knew I was lying to myself. No matter what I said, my unconscious mind was not convinced.

The disconnect was painfully clear: My affirmations were surface-level, like scattering flower seeds on a patch of untended, weed-ridden soil. And if you’ve ever gardened, you know that before you can plant beautiful flowers, you must first pull out the weeds, till the soil, and prepare the ground. Simply tossing seeds on rocky, weed-choked ground won’t yield the vibrant blooms you envision. The flowers can’t take root because the environment isn’t conducive to growth.

Our minds work the same way. Before affirmations can truly take root and transform your reality, the soil of your mind needs to be prepared. This means clearing out the past, healing old traumas, uprooting limiting beliefs, and breaking free from negative thought patterns—the weeds that choke the potential growth of your dreams.


Without this essential inner work, positive thinking becomes a mere exercise in wishful thinking. It’s like painting over cracks in a wall without addressing the structural damage underneath. It might look pretty for a while, but the cracks will inevitably reappear.

Positive affirmations are powerful tools, but they are just one part of the process. Before you can genuinely say, “I am rich” and believe it, you need to address the unconscious beliefs about money that are holding you back. Before you can declare, “I am powerful,” you need to confront the stories you’ve been telling yourself about your worth and your voice. And before you can truly feel successful, you need to uncover and clear the hidden barriers that keep you from embracing your full potential.

Just like gardening, it’s about doing the work of clearing first—removing what no longer serves you—so that when you plant the seeds of positive thinking, they can flourish in a healthy, nurtured environment.

If you’re ready to stop working so hard and still not seeing the results you desire, it’s time to rewire your brain for success. It’s time to pull the weeds, till the soil, and prepare your mind to receive the affirmations that will finally take root and bloom. Positive thinking is a beautiful beginning, but it’s the deep work that ensures those thoughts blossom into a reality that matches the life you’ve always dreamed of.

I believe that the potential for greatness resides within you. You have the capacity to become the leader you aspire to be, pursue your passions wholeheartedly, and attain the success you've always dreamed of.

I specialize in catalyzing high-performance mindset shifts, utilizing the transformative power of quantum linguistics and proven coaching techniques. My mission is to propel you beyond your limiting beliefs, unleashing your inner badass and empowering you to take confident action towards the growth of your business and revenue.

If you're eager for a magical transformation, desiring tangible results, and ready to release your inner badass, I invite you to schedule a Clarity Session with me. Let's embark on a journey together to uncover the pathways to your success and unlock the full potential that resides within you.


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