Get the Abundance Mindset Hypnosis

Improve Your Productivity

Nov 09, 2020

Do you find that during the day your focus is pulled away and you start thinking of something else?

Is your attention being pulled in many directions at once?

Do you allow other tasks or people to stop you from doing what you intended to accomplish?

If you’re like many entrepreneurs and business leaders, you may allow your focus to be pulled in multiple directions.

Perhaps you’ve convinced yourself that it’s okay because you’re good at multitasking.

Well, I’m here to burst your bubble.

Your brain is unable to focus on more than one task at a time. There are many studies that have discovered this over the years.

When you allow your attention to be pulled away from the task at hand, you’re building a new neural pathway in your brain that strengthens and convinces your brain that you can only focus on one thing for a short period of time.

This is NOT the neural pathway that you want to strengthen.

If you find that you’re busy all day and yet you don’t feel like you’ve accomplished anything, then you are allowing yourself to be distracted.

What are some of your distractions?

Here are some of the top distractions. Notifications from social media, mail, calendar, texts, messages and the list goes on.

Each and every time you hear a ding, bell or bing, your brain is distracted from your task and it starts to pull your energy and attention to wondering what is waiting for you. Who needs your help?

Or, you may go to the worst case scenario and worry about your family members or clients or employees and worry if they need something.

Or, you may start to remember all the tasks on your list and you stop working on the task at hand and start another task.

All of this pulls your focus and takes you away from your tasks. This is why you feel drained at the end of the day.

Even worse, it takes your brain time to re-focus on what you were doing before the interruption and you end up wasting time. One study I read stated that you lose up to 40% of productivity time in a day!

Everything which is incomplete in your life and business drains your energy, your focus and your attention and takes you away from your success.

If you want to get more done in less time, then turn off your email and phone notifications while you’re performing a task that is important for you. It can be in your life, your relationships or your business.

For me, my time with loved ones is the most important thing. So, when I spend time with my loved ones, I only focus on them.

This blog is important to me and so I’ve turned off my emails and my phone so that I can take this time to write.

When you focus on one thing and only one thing at a time, you’ll find that you’re more productive. You’ll strengthen the neural pathways in your brain. Just like taking time to exercise your muscles, you’ll increase your ability to focus on what’s important.

You’ll feel more productive at the end of each day too!

I believe that you have the potential inside of you to BE who you want to be, to DO what you’re passionate about and to HAVE the success you’re striving for. It’s in you.

I provide high performance mindset shifts that transform your thoughts and beliefs using quantum linguistics and proven coaching techniques designed to blast your through your limiting beliefs, so that you release your inner bad ass and confidently take action to grow your business and your revenue.


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