Master Your Mindset
Apr 06, 2020
Are you worried, depressed, anxious?
Are you finding it difficult to fall asleep and have a deep restful sleep each night?
When you are able to fall asleep, do you feel that you’re having a restful sleep?
Are you wandering through your days in a daze?
If you’ve said yes to just one of these questions, you’ll be delighted to hear that there is a way to calm your mind so you can rest, relax and be more focused.
The answer is to Master Your Mindset.
You can master your mindset through hypnosis. Are you aware of the many benefits of hypnosis?
Essentially, being in the state of hypnosis will slow your brain waves down to enter in Theta, which are 4 to 8 cycles per second.
To compare, as you read this, your brain waves are in Beta which is 14 to 28 cycles per second.
Your brain goes into theta during sleep, a deep meditation and in hypnosis. When your brain waves slow down in hypnosis, you can enjoy all the benefits listed below:
Deep Relaxation
The relaxed effects of being of hypnosis can last for days after. This state is pretty rare to get into in the busyness of everyday life.
Beneficial for the Body
When you enter the state of hypnosis, you will go into a theta brain wave which is a deep level of relaxation in both the body and mind. You start going out of sympathetic nervous system mode (fight or flight) and into a parasympathetic nervous system state.
Stress and Anxiety Reduction
Hypnosis promotes deep mental and physical relaxation, it regulates your cortisol levels within your body (stress hormones), which in turn lowers heightened stress and anxiety levels.
Boost Immune System
If your body produces too much of a surplus of stress chemicals like adrenaline, it can have a negative impact on your immune system. Hypnosis guides you into a state of deep relaxation which releases neurotransmitters that can assist in building the immune system back up to optimum.
Connects You to Your Unconscious Mind
Hypnosis allows you to connect with the unconscious parts of your mind. This part of your mind governs autonomic body functions, as well as your emotions, imagination, memory, intuitions and habits.
Hypnosis activates the right hemisphere of your brain, which is your creative side.
Problem Solving
Entering into the state of hypnosis can bypass mental blocks and get you into a mental flow, enabling new levels of thought and perception, so you can approach problems more effectively. You will also be able to focus better and be greater motivated on one idea.
When your brain goes into hypnosis you are able to retain more information than you can going about your day in beta (awake state). Studies are proving that your unconscious mind doesn’t know the difference between real and your imagination, so when in hypnosis you can visualize and practice something in your brain that will improve your performance. It is as if you are practicing something for real and you’re able to retain it well in your memory!
PLUS, here's the biggest benefit of hypnosis.
For every 15 minutes of being in a state of hypnosis and being in theta brain waves, it will provide your body and mind with the same benefits and feelings of spending 1 hour in a deep restorative sleep. Be well, stay healthy in mind and body.
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